


Nurture KC programs focus on prevention, intervention and education to keep babies and families healthy and safe. Our three cornerstone programs include...

Kansas City Healthy Start Initiative

This program supports families in areas across the KC metro with the highest rates of infant death. Healthy Start provides a wide range of services – from helping families secure health insurance, diapers and food assistance; to education on prenatal care, breastfeeding and tobacco/drug cessation. It offers one-on-one support for moms, dads and infants up to 18 months old.


Mid America Immunization Coalition (MAIC)

MAIC builds collaborative community partnerships to increase public awareness and improve access to life-saving immunizations. The coalition offers free flu shot clinics every Fall, provides immunization education at community events, sponsors an annual immunization symposium and holds quarterly membership meetings. You must be a member of Nurture KC in order to be a member of MAIC.


Safe Sleep Program

Recent data shows 16% of infant deaths in Kansas City are sleep-related. The majority of these deaths are preventable. That’s why Nurture KC coordinates the Safe Sleep Task Force, a group of committed volunteers working to reduce infant deaths through education on safe sleep practices. Nurture KC also provides eligible families with cribs – the safest place for baby to sleep.