Nurture KC Take Action March 31, 2021

Action Alert: Tell Missouri Legislators to Fund Medicaid Expansion 

House Bill 20 provides the necessary funding for expanding Medicaid in Missouri. Medicaid expansion is a key component in improving maternal and infant health.  Last Week, HB 20 failed to pass in the Missouri House Budget Committee. As you know, Missouri voters voted to support Medicaid Expansion last summer.  Providing the funding to make expansion a reality and act on the will of the people is critical.  Our focus now moves to Senate efforts to restore Medicaid expansion funding.


Contact the Kansas City Senators who sit on the Senate Appropriations Committee to let them know that Medicaid Expansion is important to you and encourage them to vote “yes” on efforts to restore funding. Consider using the information below to bolster your case:

  • In Missouri, 1 in 7 women of childbearing age are uninsured (14%), compared to 9% in states that have expanded Medicaid.
  • Women without health insurance are 3 to 4 times more likely to die of pregnancy complications than those who are insured.
  • Missouri maternal mortality rates are among the highest in the nation and the rate of maternal deaths for Black mothers is 3 times that of white mothers.
  • States that have expanded Medicaid have experienced a 50% greater reduction in infant mortality than non-expansion states.
  • Without Medicaid expansion, many of our mothers lose coverage within 60 days postpartum, leaving them susceptible to physical and mental health issues related to pregnancy. Nationally, 16% of pregnancy-related maternal deaths are due to mental health.

Senator John Rizzo, Minority Floor Leader – john.rizzo@senate.mo.gov

Senator Lauren Arthur – lauren.arthur@senate.mo.gov

Senator Barbara Ann Washington – barabara.washington@senate.mo.gov

Senator Mike Cierpiot – mike.cierpiot@senate.mo.gov

Thank you for your advocacy in improving the health of Missourians.  We appreciate your support. If you have questions, please reach out to Tracy Russell, Executive Director of Nurture KC, at trussell@nurturekc.org.