Nurture KC Hot Topics February 14, 2020

Late last year, Kansas City received national attention when the city council pledged to find the funding to go fare-free, which would cost about $8 million annually. This week Kansas City Mayor, Quinton Lucas, announced his proposed budget, setting aside $4.8 million for free bus fare. The other two funding sources are the Kansas City Area Transportation Authority ($2.2 million) and a corporate sponsor ($1 million per year for 5 years). Read the full article from KCUR.

This is the first step in the budget process and, ultimately, the city council must approve the funding. Accessible transportation is a key issue for Nurture KC as we know that the inability to get to appointments and other necessary services is a significant barrier to health for our families. We applaud the city’s effort and recognition that this type of fundamental need must be addressed if we are to provide opportunity for more Kansas City families. Nurture KC provided information to the council on the transportation barrier for pregnant women and their children.