
Our Archive

When you donate to Nurture KC this Giving Tuesday, you support moms like Kyndal and Nasavia who are making a better life for their families through our Healthy Start Program. Kyndal earned her Dental Assistant certificate with honors, enjoys working in her field and would like to become a dentist. Nasavia completed her Phlebotomy Technician training and is enrolled in Nursing School. We are proud of them both! Visit @NurtureKC on Facebook and Twitter to see other moms in our Healthy Start program who we featured this month leading up to Giving Tuesday.

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It’s time to share the October Newsletter. Learn about our Fall flu clinics, Healthy Start graduates, latest Safe Sleep Champions, new data on local infant mortality rates and how our Community Action Team (CAT) helps area hospitals secure safe sleep certification (equating to a healthy and safety win for K.C. families).

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Nurture KC has a new Director of Development position open. This role is responsible for designing and implementing a comprehensive fundraising program, including grant writing, organizational membership and corporate giving. See responsibilities, qualifications needed, salary and hybrid work details here. Interested candidates should submit a cover letter and resume to info@NurtureKC.org.

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