
Our Archive

We’re sharing this Aftershock event hosted by our partner, Children’s Mercy, in honor of Black Maternal Health Week. It’s a free screening on April 12 of this powerful documentary …
Following the preventable deaths of their loved ones due to childbirth complications, two families galvanize activists, birth-workers and physicians to reckon with one of the most pressing American crises of our time – the maternal health crisis in the U.S. and how to address disparities in care. Register to attend at https://tinyurl.com/aftershockKC


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We appreciate long-time partner, University Health, stepping in and providing fresh produce for our Healthy Start families through their Food FARMacy (formerly Food as Medicine program). Our families receive fresh produce every other week, along with recipes and educational materials related to healthy food. Some of the participating families experience food scarcity or have food allergies that are accommodated through the program. The produce is delivered by University Health’s Mobile Market.


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Nurture KC is celebrating World Doula Week and our two doulas – Lydia Robinson of Labored With Love and Lizet Ansaldo with Esperanza Birth Doula Services. They currently serve 20 pregnant moms in our Healthy Start program. Thank you, Lydia and Lizet, for being advocates for our moms and newborns!

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The Kansas Senate Public Health and Welfare Committee passed two bills this week that potentially weaken the existing safety net of vaccine requirements, putting us at risk for preventable disease. This marks the third straight session in which the Senate has considered anti-vaccination legislation. As we approach the last days for consideration of these measures, it is important that you contact your Senator and let him/her know that you oppose this legislation and express your concern for the impact on the health of Kansans.

If you reside in Johnson County, it is imperative that you contact your Kansas State Senator via email or phone and record your opposition. Both bills promote policies soundly rejected by Kansans in Nurture KC’s 2022 scientific public opinion poll: Kansas Vaccine Poll.
Find my legislator: https://openstates.org/find_your_legislator/

Read more about both bills and access talking points to send to your legislator at Action Alert – Nurture KC 3.24.23.

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Why do non-profits not only have a right, but an obligation, to advocate for public policy? This is what Nurture KC’s first podcast explores — explaining how and why we help shape policy in Kansas and Missouri.

Thank you to our first podcast guests: Reagan Cussimanio with The University of Kansas Health System and Kamera Meaney with University Health KC. Our Executive Director, Tracy Russell, moderated and shared her insights as well.

We will be publishing podcasts on a quarterly basis. Next up: Our Healthy Start program. Learn more at nurturekc.org/news-events/quarterly-podcasts/.

Lastly, we would love your help in spreading the word about our new podcast. Please feel free to like and share this Facebook post. We appreciate your support.

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“As the director of Healthy Start, a program of Nurture KC that serves a majority of Black families, it’s my goal to create a safe place for Black lives to matter. A place for Black women to be heard – in both the good and the bad. We listen to their fears and help them overcome. We listen to their accomplishments and help them celebrate,” says Shannon Williams, Healthy Start Director at Nurture KC. “Our program works to improve maternal health and birth outcomes. When birth outcomes are improved for Black moms and babies, then birth outcomes will improve for ALL moms and babies.”


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