admin Front Page October 9, 2014

THANKS FOR YOUR SUPPORT!  Memberships in MCHC provide valuable financial support that helps us continue our many programs and activities.  Heart-felt thanks to the following individual members and organizational partners joining or renewing their membership during the period of January – March, 2018.  Please let us know of any errors or omissions. (CLICK on the MCHC logo to see the list.)

New Individual Members:

Sarah Czech, Abigail Filley, Mary Anne Lytle, Kathleen McNaghten, Christi Smith, Keri Williams


Renewing Individual Members:

Anne Biswell, Lauren Grimes, Heather Keitges, Michel Martin, Maria O’Sullivan, Jodi Petersen, Laura Rupp, Lynn Schmidt, Victoria Smith, Barbara Spaw, Amy Stout, Carey Van Kirk, Tricia Walania

Renewing Organizational Members:

The Family Conservancy: Paula Neth, Katrina Minter


Check back to see a list of our members who join or renew each quarter. For a current list of all our Organizational Partners, CLICK HERE.