admin News May 24, 2016

During the April 22 Mother & Child Health Coalition annual business/quarterly meeting, attendees were treated to a special presentation on LifeCourse Theory. Jane St. John from Missouri Family to Family of UMKC’s Institute for Human Development discussed the foundation of LifeCourse Theory as well as practical uses for agencies, individuals and their families. This conceptual framework focuses on one’s timeline, environment, and equity to achieve a purposeful, goal-oriented life. Children’s Mercy Hospital provided 1.5 nursing and social work credits to attendees who qualified. For more information on Missouri Family to Family or LifeCourse Theory please visit their website www.mofamilytofamily.org.

At the annual business meeting, Coalition members voted for the 2016-17 Board of Directors. Please help us welcome our new and returning Board members:

Chairperson– Theresa Rodgers Campbell, Kansas City Kansas Community College

Past Chair– Rosemary Graves, Comprehensive Community Development, LLC

Chairperson Elect– Sarah Martin-Anderson, Kansas City Missouri Health Department

Secretary– Charlene Burnett, Community Advocate, Missouri

Treasurer– Wilaiporn Rojjanasrirat, Graceland University

New Board Members– Raymond Daniels, Community Advocate, Kansas;  Judith Westmoreland, Court Appointed Special Advocate for Children;  and Virginia Picotte, Independent Compliance Contractor.

Special thanks to our out-going Board members, Phyllis Larimore, Terrie Garrison and Ximena Ilabaca-Somoza. Thank you so much for your many years of service to the Coalition!

As with every quarterly meeting, the Employer Support for Nursing Mothers Award was given to area businesses that have demonstrated support of breastfeeding mothers in the workplace. In April the award was given to Park Hill School District and Lexmark of Lenexa. To see a complete list of awardees to date, find out more information on how your business can better support breastfeeding mothers or to complete an application please visit the Breastfeeding Committee page under the MCHC Committees tab, under Get Involved on our website www.mchc.net.