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For Immunization Awareness Month, our MAIC members have been sharing their “Why We Care about Vaccination” stories. These graphics will continue to appear on Nurture KC’s social media channels to increase public awareness about immunization.

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The Mid America Immunization Coalition (MAIC) hosted a webinar featuring a former anti-vax mom, who is now pro-immunization. Lydia Greene shared her moving journey. Here’s a snippet …

“I fell for the anti-vax rhetoric and into the rabbit hole of vaccine misinformation. SIDS, autism, allergies. I became consumed by awful stories without scientific backing. I believed these parents and supposed health professionals. I believed I was saving my child,” Lydia says. “Then I started reading scientific rebuttals to many of the talking points I heard over and over. The facts and evidence don’t lie. Although it took some time, I pulled myself out of fear, did the research and learned the facts. I talked with a nurse who worked with me to get my kids back on track with vaccines. Now, I no longer feel nervous. I’m just happy to protect the health of my kids through immunization.”

MAIC is a program of Nurture KC. Learn more at nurturekc.org/solutions/immunization/#maic.

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This month’s UPDATE includes the below news and more:

• Will offer doula services, thanks to funding by the Health Forward Foundation

• Named to the Impact 100 by the United Way of Greater Kansas City

• Presented on Maternal Health Webinar by the Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA)

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Nurture KC shared insights at this week’s Maternal Health Webinar hosted by the Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA). What a huge turnout!

The take-away shared by Shannon Williams, Healthy Start Program Director, and Tracy Russell, Executive Director — Our Healthy Start program improves the health of families through our Community Health Worker (CHW) model. Each family has a dedicated CHW who have a bond with our moms that is unbreakable and makes a positive impact. This connection helps our moms overcome barriers and navigate life.


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