
Nurture KC

Kansas Citian, Crista Bosley, shares her story: “I got immunized against COVID while pregnant.” Learn about her journey and fact check data on this topic through scientific sources included in this article. Why is Nurture KC sharing this story? One of our main programs is the Mid America Immunization Coalition (MAIC), which increases public awareness and improves access to life-saving vaccines — especially for underserved communities in KC.

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Senate Bill (SB) 42 advocates for the collection of maternal death data in Kansas, which Nurture KC supports. Sounds grim, but knowing and understanding this data helps Nurture KC (and other entities) provide more targeted services and solutions to save moms’ lives.

Click “read more” below to see the testimony supporting SB 42 shared by Tracy Russell, Executive Director, Nurture KC.

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Nurture KC enthusiastically supports Senate Bill 639 and Senate Bill 698 as a critical first step in addressing the maternal health crisis that exists in Missouri, particularly for Black mothers. The legislation extends postpartum coverage in Medicaid to one year. Enacting SB 639 and SB 698 recognizes the importance of women’s health outside the narrow window of pregnancy and delivery. The bipartisan support for improving maternal health signals a universal commitment in Missouri to take action against unacceptable rates of maternal morbidity and mortality. This is a health equity issue as Black mothers experience mortality at a rate that is 4 times that of White mothers. Missouri currently ranks 42nd in the nation in maternal mortality. It is estimated that 80% of these deaths are preventable.

Click “read more” to see the full written testimony supporting these bills submitted by Tracy Russell, Executive Director, Nurture KC.

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Nurture KC advocates for government legislation to improve the health of local families in KC, as it also impacts the families we serve through our Healthy Start program. The organization’s legislative priorities for 2022 include: 1) Extend Medicaid Postpartum Coverage to One Year, 2) Protect and Prioritize Immunization, and 3) Stay Involved in Emerging Issues Impacting Our Families (such as the Food Tax Elimination in Kansas and the Right to Counsel Ordinance in KC, MO). This ordinance ensures tenants facing eviction have a right to an attorney at no cost.

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Do you have a passion for improving infant and maternal health in Kansas City? Please consider joining the Board of Directors at Nurture KC! The Board meets quarterly, provides strategic input for the organization, monitors finances and program performance, helps develop policies and procedures, and acts as a positive spokesperson for our mission whenever possible. To learn more and apply, access this Prospective Board of Directors Packet. We thank you for your time and consideration.

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What a year! Access our December 2021 Recap to learn:
💥 How we served our Healthy Start families this year (675 participants)
💥 Why we were honored by Happy Bottoms
💥 Our Giving Tuesday fundraising results
💥 Why we’re partnering with Associated Humanity
💥 How we can improve maternal health in KS and MO

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