
Nurture KC

This week Sen. Mark Steffen advocated for legislation prohibiting the state health secretary from requiring new immunizations for children to attend school or day care. Under current law, students are required to receive certain immunizations before they attend school. The secretary for the Kansas Department of Health and Environment (KDHE) can amend the list should the need arise.

We’re sharing excerpts of an article by Noah Taborda that appeared in the Kansas Reflector on why Nurture KC opposes this legislation – Senate Bill 212.

“Pediatricians and school nurses defended the decision-making process for the required vaccination list. Like proponents, they worried about politicization of the issue but instead thought the bill would only further intensify the politicization.

Shelby Ostrom, program director for the Mid America Immunization Coalition, which provides advocacy on the benefits of vaccines, said continued oversight by KDHE separate from the legislative process was vital in maintaining and improving public health in Kansas.

‘There is a rigorous process already in place, grounded in science, which best serves Kansans,’ Ostrom said. ‘This is a process that has and should continue to be separate from the political arena.’”

Click “read more” to see this entire article.

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Click “read more” below to see testimony from Shelby Ostrom, MAIC Program Director, in opposition to Senate Bill 212. This bill would ban the Kansas Department of Health and Environment (KDHE) from requiring new vaccines for Kansas school children. Her testimony was presented to Chairman Hilderbrand and members of the Committee on Public Health and Welfare. Please help us oppose Bill 212!

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Nurture KC supports Kansas House Bill 2371 to improve access to SNAP nutritional assistance and child care assistance for the families we serve. In support of this bill, our Executive Director, Tracy Russell, submitted testimony which you can see by clicking “read more” below. Please help us support this bill!

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We need our members help! Two upcoming bills in Kansas would limit the authority of the Kansas Department of Health and Environment (KDHE) to regulate vaccinations. Bill SB 212 would limit the authority of KDHE to determine important safety measures for students in public education. Bill SB 213 would prohibit employers from taking action against employees who choose not to vaccinate. This is particularly problematic for hospitals and local health departments as vaccination is a contingency of employment to protect patients from vaccine-preventable diseases.

Click “read more” below to: 1) Learn more details, 2) See how to contact the Senate Health Committee, and 3) What messages we need to send to this committee. Please take action now. We appreciate your support.

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