
Nurture KC

WEAR BLUE DAY PHOTO CONTEST It’s a contest for Child Abuse Prevention Month, and you can participate!! Here’s what to do: Take a photo of yourself or your group in blue and send it to wearbluekc@gmail.com. On April 7, Wear Blue Day, go to the Prevent Child Abuse KC Facebook page, and like and share […]

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 INTERNSHIP DESCRIPTION Social Media & Internet Marketing Intern for Mother’s Day 2017 Project Agency: Mother & Child Health Coalition  Department name: Communications  Overview of the program: Mother & Child Health Coalition (MCHC), a recognized non-profit leader in the field of maternal & child health with particular expertise in combating health inequities and social determinants of […]

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The KC Child Abuse Prevention Month Planning Committee is preparing for April and each child focused agency in the metro area is asked to provide information about special events/activities/trainings that are being planned for April, National Child Abuse Prevention Month 2017.  This information will be included in the ½-page ad that The Kansas City Star donates […]

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admin News February 20, 2017

HELP US TO ENSURE EVERY DAY IS A HAPPY MOTHER’S DAY! PLEASE DONATE CHILD SAFETY INITIATIVE CONFERENCE: Laying the Foundation of Safe Play for Kids Tuesday, April 11, 2017 MORE INFO REGISTRATION FORM We’ve set an ambitious goal of $10,000 for our year-end giving campaign.  Your gift will help families right here in the Kansas […]

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So close! Still shy of our $10,000 goal, but at this point, we’ve exceeded our goal for last year by quite a bit. Can YOU help us reach the top??? It’s not too late. Your donation will help ensure that every mother and child in the metro area will have a healthy start, and feel […]

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We are pleased to share a message from Judy Dungan, Director of Policy and Advocacy with the Missouri Children’s Leadership Council: The Senate Committee on Seniors, Families and Children may soon act on a bill that would dramatically alter Missouri’s Medicaid program. These changes would leave Missouri taxpayers and health services for seniors, people with disabilities and […]

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Dear Friends: We have passed through an unpleasant election season which left many people apprehensive about the impact of inevitable changes. We then heard messages about the need for unity and finding common ground. I have found comfort and hope reflecting on the gifts of time, talent and support from all our community partners who […]

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