admin News July 17, 2017

“Sleep Safely, Sleep Soundly: Best Practices for Safe Sleep”

For POWERPOINT presentations from this event visit the Meeting Notes & Links page: http://mchc.net/news-events/meeting-notes-links/ 

This activity is joint provided by Mother & Child Health Coalition and Children’s Mercy Kansas City

Contact: Anne Biswell (816) 283-6242 ext. 226
 abiswell@mchc.net    (816) 806-9929 cell

Friday, July 28, 2017  8:00 -11:30 a.m.
Kansas City Health Department
2400 Troost Ave., Biery Auditorium
Kansas City MO 64108

 KANSAS CITY: In 2016 there were 13 infant deaths associated with unsafe sleep practices in Jackson County alone. Following the ABCs of safe sleep can help protect infants. Babies should always sleep ALONE, on their BACK and in an empty CRIB.  Adequate sleep is a key part of any healthy lifestyle, and can benefit one’s entire well-being. Sleep helps your brain work properly. While you’re sleeping, your brain is preparing for the next day, forming new pathways to help you learn and remember information.  We often recognize the importance of safe sleep for infants and children, but neglect its crucial role in overall health for adults as well.  Please join us on Friday, July 28, 2017, at the Mother & Child Health Coalition’s Quarterly meeting to learn about best practices in safe sleep for good health and well-being for the entire family.

Goodnight: The Importance of Sleep in Infants & Toddlers Age 0 – 2  – Njideka Osuala, DNP, APRN, FNP-BC, Children’s Mercy Hospital

Infant Loss (SIDS) Resources – Cheryl Herzog Arneill, Community Educator and Pete Potts, Program and Bereavement Coordinator           

Safe Sleep Task Force – Mary Jean Brown, MS, RNC, Mother & Child Health Coalition, Fetal Infant Mortality Review (FIMR) program coordinator. 

Adult Sleep Presentation – Daniel Shippy, BS, RPSGT, Sleep Disorders Center- University of Kansas Health Center

There is no cost to attend and the event is open to the public; however, registration is requested: https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/MCHC072817
Continuing education credits are offered for nurses and social workers.

 MCHC Mission: Every child deserves a healthy start; it is the best gift a community can give its children and itself.  Mother & Child Health Coalition works together with community partners and families to promote wellness and advocate excellence in health care.  For more information please visit www.mchc.net

To learn more about this meeting, contact Shannon Williams, at (816) 283-6242 ext. 251 or swilliams@mchc.net
