
Our Archive

Holiday Safety

admin News December 2, 2014

A bow that shoots illuminated arrows its manufacturer says can fly up to 145 feet, and the “Catapencil” — a pencil with a miniature slingshot-style launcher at its erasure end — are among an annual list of unsafe toys released Wednesday.

World Against Toys Causing Harm, or W.A.T.C.H., a Massachusetts-based consumer watchdog group, issued the “10 Worst Toys” list over possible hazards as the holiday shopping season gets underway.

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Bee Wise – Immunize!

admin News November 19, 2014

MAIC and Walgreens Pharmacies have provided almost 1,000 free flu shots so far! (GOAL: 3,000) Bee Wise – Immunize! Click HERE for a list of local health departments offering immunizations. Our partners are offering free flu shots, too: OTHER LOCAL FREE FLU SHOT CLINICS

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On Thursday, August 28, the bill signed by Missouri Governor Jay Nixon that excuses breastfeeding mothers from jury duty, with a doctor’s written excuse, and protects them from public indecency charges when nursing or pumping milk in public, becomes law. HB#1320 was passed by all members of the Missouri General Assembly, without a single “nay” […]

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August was National Breastfeeding Month Kudos to all our partners who have been awarded our EMPLOYER SUPPORT FOR NURSING MOTHERS AWARD To nominate your organization for the award, submit an APPLICATION HERE.

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